Q: When should I have my equipment serviced?
We recommend twice a year; once before summer begins and once before winter begins. Give us a call today to schedule your service appointment.
Q: When should our air filter be changed at home?
We will replace your air filter at every service, but every house is different, especially where there are pets or high wind areas. In these cases, you may have to change your filter more often.
Q: Do you offer indoor air quality products?
Yes, we offer many different options for keeping burdensome air pollutants out of your house. Give us a call today to discuss some options.
Q: What does a SEER rating mean?
A SEER rating stands for Seasonal Efficiency Energy Ratio. The higher the SEER rating, the less energy consumption. This rating is calculated by the cooling output of a typical cooling season divided by the electricity input during the same time frame.
Q: What temperature should I set my thermostat when I am out of town or gone for the season?
Since the Coachella valley has many part-time residents, it’s important to know what temperature to keep your thermostat set at when you leave town for a season. During summer, we recommend not letting your house go above 90 degrees. For winter, we recommend not letting your house go below 55. A good way to check on your heating and air conditioning system when your gone is to install a Wi-Fi thermostat. This enables you to observe and adjust your system remotely using your cell phone to ensure your system is working properly.